Page 249 - 雙蓮兒童192期
P. 249


    Yilan Travels          by陳均典

           I have to follow the camp to Toucheng Farm in Yilan for two days and
    one night in the past two days. I got up very early in the morning and walked
    to the meeting place with excitement after breakfast.

    After an hour’s drive, I finally arrived at the Yilan Head Town Farm. I felt a
    little hungry when I got off the bus. Fortunately, the staff at the farm prepared

    glutinous rice balls, mung bean soup, taro rice noodles and aiyu dim sum. After
    eating, everyone went to the farm. During the tour, there was a beautiful
    butterfly trail. The guide said that there were hundreds of butterflies and all

    kinds of butterflies flying on the trail. In the rice garden, we experienced
    seedling planting activities. It was very comfortable for everyone to step into

    the field and plant seedlings barefoot. , I also caught a Fushou snail, it is so
    cute, it is a pity that I can’t take it home. For lunch, we have thick tea and
    light rice cooked in a traditional large stove. The simple meat dishes are very

    delicious, and as a vanilla doll, I made one like eggplant and one like carrot. It
    contains mint, lemongrass and wormwood. It smells It's amazing. Dinner is the

    BBQ barbecue I am most looking forward to. This is a group barbecue activity.
    I am responsible for helping the team members barbecue. Some pieces of
    meat may be eaten before they are cooked, so I have diarrhea at night. After

    dinner, there will be sky lanterns. Every group has a sky lantern. I write down
    my wishes on the sky lanterns. I hope my studies can flourish. The sky lanterns

    fly high and far. My wishes should come true. The whole day was very fulfilling
    and I fell asleep quickly at night.
    After breakfast the next day, we went to the cowshed to feed a cow father, a

    cow mother, a cow sister, a cow brother and a baby cow. They are all so cute.
    After feeding, we go to the chicken The house picks up eggs. Because it is a

    pheasant, the stool is very smelly. The freshly laid eggs feel very warm and
    humid to the touch. After lunch, we said goodbye to the farm and took a tour
    bus to the Athens Cake Tourist Factory. I bought two honey cakes to give to

    grandpa and grandma and mom and dad, and then took the tour bus back to

           I think this rural experience camp is very interesting. The itinerary of
    feeding the cows and grazing is very fun. If there are such activities next time,
    I will go there.
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